After the sad passing away of our founder Mr Don Williams, it was decided after a suitable period of mourning that The British Ambulance Association would be relaunched and rebranded. Don as many of you will fondly remember was a larger than life character would never took a step back to promote the BAA and protect not only the image of the BAA, but most importantly protect the membership. MP`s had been known to quiver in fear, not at the thought of giving a speech in Parliament, but at facing the wrath of our Don.
With an eye towards the passion and professionalism that Don promoted in His image. We have established an Executive Committee to relaunch the BAA and bring it up to date. The committee members are introduced on the main page of our new website. But just as a further introduction they are:
Chairperson - Roger Fuller Vice Chairperson - Carl Penny Membership Secretary - Suraj Salan
We are a cross match of the membership with the BAA professional status and our membership as a passion and goal. It is now our remit to not only increase the membership of the BAA, but also ensure that members receive advantageous offers and savings from professional services who will advertise with us.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any thoughts or ideas in relation to services that we could approach for the benefit of all members.